
A Connection-Based Change Methodology for Schools

Passing levies, addressing challenges to books and instructional materials, and facilitating cultural and technological transformation within educational institutions results in stronger communities and empowered students. Navigating critical moments of social impact with a trusted partner and research-backed tools can equip you with confidence and clarity.

Educational Materials Review Policy Institute

Empower your educational community to approach book challenges and materials review policies with integrity and inclusivity.

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Educational Use of AI Policy Institute

Our Artificial Intelligence Policy Institute empowers educators to explore the ethical and practical dimensions of AI in schools.

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Community Engagement and Insight Series

Engage your school community in meaningful dialogue and gain valuable insights to inform your upcoming levy process.

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Educational Materials Review Policy Institute

Empower your educational community to approach book challenges and materials review policies with integrity and inclusivity. Our workshop series equips participants with tools to protect intellectual freedom and nurture critical thinking.

Tailored to your community's unique needs, our Policy Institute comprises interactive sessions focused on:

  • Equipping key stakeholders to cultivate unity and trust within your educational ecosystem.
  • Facilitating collaborative discussions to gather insights and address concerns from all members of your educational community.
  • Thoroughly analyzing input to ensure policies are rooted in the values and aspirations of your community.
  • Collaboratively developing policies that prioritize intellectual freedom and honor the richness of diverse perspectives.

Educational Use of AI Policy Institute

Is your educational community considering integrating artificial intelligence? Our AI Policy Institute empowers educators to explore this technology and the ethical and practical dimensions of AI in schools.

Our Policy Institute unfolds through engaging workshops designed to:

  • Offer educators and students a comprehensive understanding of AI's workings and its implications for learning environments.
  • Facilitate conversations that explore the ethical dimensions of AI integration and address concerns within your educational community.
  • Analyze input to ensure policies reflect the values and priorities of educators and learners.
  • Collaboratively develop policies that set clear expectations, safeguard ethical considerations, and prioritize student welfare.

Community Engagement and Insight Series

This series offers a structured approach to gathering valuable feedback from diverse stakeholders prior to finalizing a school levy proposal.

Format: A series of interactive workshops designed to:

  • Assess Community Needs: Explore the needs and priorities of your educational community. Gather resource requirements for student success.
  • Host Open Discussions: Facilitated discussions ensure all voices are heard and concerns addressed transparently.
  • Understand Your Data: We analyze and synthesize feedback to gain a deep understanding of the needs of your educational community.

Outcomes from this series include a data-driven levy proposal that reflects the community's educational aspirations, open communication and deepened trust, and strategic resource allocation aligned with community priorities.